5315 S Lewis Ave, Tulsa, OK 74105
Tel: 918.743.6184

Issues Impacting Oklahoma Doctors
“Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers
Coronavirus, Opioids, Medicaid reimbursement, scope of practice issues. There are numerous legislative challenges facing physicians today, which is why it is essential to be involved and engaged in the legislative session. As your advocates at the State Capitol, the Oklahoma State Medical Association works to keep you informed about issues impacting your patients and your practice.

The 2021 State Legislative Agenda has been approved by OSMA’s Board. This agenda lays the foundation of our policy when considering positions on proposed Legislation:
Lawsuit Reform: Maintain our recent gains and provide greater protections for physicians. Promote access to care by providing physicians with a stable and lower-cost medical liability system.
Scope of Practice: Defend against any legislation that would expand the scopes of practice for mid-level providers without the approval of the Patients First Coalition. Support efforts to ensure that allopathic and osteopathic physicians are appropriately referenced in any legislation dealing with medical procedures. Oppose any legislation that could jeopardize patient safety or create a “two-tiered” system of care for patients on Medicaid or who live in medically underserved areas.
Physician Practice: Oppose legislation that would mandate specific courses of treatment or otherwise override a physician’s medical judgment. Support efforts to decrease administrative burdens on physician offices.
Reimbursement: Maintain adequate physician reimbursement through Medicaid and support insurance reforms that will help maintain physician reimbursement levels. Promote access to care by providing adequate reimbursement and other incentives for physicians to see Medicaid patients and to serve in rural communities.
Public Health. Support anti-tobacco, anti-obesity, vaccinations and other initiatives to improve the public health in Oklahoma.
Additional Resources:
For more information on state legislative issues contact Matt Robison.